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Map Your Dunes

The Map Your Dunes platform is a dedicated space for enthusiasts, researchers, and communities passionate about the conservation and understanding of dune ecosystems.

Protect Our Dunes Campaign Posters

Download our Protect Our Dunes campaign posters and resources for social media.

Clean Coasts, A Practical Guide to Marram Grass Planting: A Natural Coastal Defence


Rural Beach Management -
A Good Practice Guide


Sand Trap Fencing Advice

Sand-trap fencing is designed to break the natural flow of the wind, slowing it down, and promoting the deposition of sand.

Moving sand is vital for the health of sand dune vegetation, however for vegetation to be established reducing the wind speed is vital. There are a number of scenarios where sand fencing can aid dune recovery.

3S Assessment

This 3Ss assessment is based on a training programme for communities. It is not expected that a person who has not taken the course would carry out this assessment.

This 3Ss assessment is based on scientific principles (from both physical and social sciences). The output of the assessment is very “context” specific, and so is intended as a support tool for planning and management, quantifying the issues that may need to be addressed.

3S Educational Board - Sand


3S Educational Board - Species
